Sunday, October 11, 2009

Copyright and Photoshop and Lawsuits, oh my!

This video is a continuation of the subject that I brought up in Wimba the other night: the Ralph Lauren/Boing Boing battle. This is a segment of the Rachel Maddow show and her interview with the Boing Boing! blogger who was under legal attack after posting the, now infamous, comment "Dude, her head is bigger than her pelvis."

Wanna get around Fair Use in your blog? Host your blog in Canada!
Apparently, Canada is not as afraid of the big bad wolf as American is. The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) , or big bad wolf in this case, often intimidates American hosted blogs when questionable or controversial content is present. Most sites will immediately remove the material, no questions asked.

I have become overly obsessed with this story.
On one hand, as an American woman, I am deeply offended by the Ralph Lauren ad. It is disgusting, offensive and perverse- not only because the woman is so super skinny, but also because someone in a Photoshop lab thought that we, as consumers, would fall for that. IT IS NOT HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO BE THAT SKINNY!!! Um, anyone who attended a week of high school should be able to see that.
Another reason for my obsession is the ridiculous reaction of Ralph Lauren- "Oh you don't like our ad- we are going to sue you." Seriously? Boing Boing was well within the boundaries of classic fair use. If we cannot share our distaste for magazine ads, what's next?

I think rich people should be fined large amounts of money for publicly exhibiting stupidity.

I would boycott Ralph Lauren's clothes- if I could afford them in the first place!

MSNBC Video: Photoshop of Horrors, retrieved October 9, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. Dude your controversial blog post is pointing out flaws in the DMCA!
