Wk 4 Where the Wild Things Are
October 23, 2009 by jan707
I have loved this book since the moment I bought it for my seven-year-old son back in 1988. That’s right—1988. Back then the paperback version cost $4.95; the sticker is still on it. (It is $8.95 now.) I bought the book because Max and my son were one and the same—little wild things. And now my son has a little wild thing of his own. It is time to introduce my grandson Maddox to this book. How appropriate that Maddox’s cousin on his mother’s side calls him “Mad Max” because he cannot say “Maddox.”
After forty-nine years (original copyright date for the book is 1963) Warner Brothers has released a movie version of Maurice Sendak’s Caldecott Medal winning book. From all that I have read (and much of that via the movie’s Facebook page), the movie is phenomenal. I think a family movie date is in the near future. I want to see the reactions of both of my own wild things. And yes, Mad Max is lapping up water from his DogDog’s dish.
Posted in EDM 613 Week 4 | No Comments Yet
I, too, loved this book from the first moment I read it. In my children’s literature class, I chose maurice Sendak as my author study subject.
I think it is always interesting when a book is made into a movie, especially a children’s book. I took my son on opening day (he is 6 and also very Max-like). I LOVED it- he thought it was just ok, which surprised me. He said he likes the book better. He thought Max was too mean. I have to agree- I thought the fact that he was rewarded for his bad behavior with a giant slab of chocolate cake was aggravating. There was one seen- the one when Carol flipped out- that was way to violent for my taste, especially when you consider that this was all taking place in Max’s imagination.
Overall, I truly enjoyed it, it remained true to the book while adding the required amount of Hollywoodishness.
Blog Title: Jan707's Blog: http://jan707.wordpress.com/
Wk 4 Where the Wild Things Are. Nichols, J. http://jan707.wordpress.com/2009/10/23/wk-4-where-the-wild-things-are/#comment-59 Retrieved October 24, 2009.